Cauvery Country A presentation on the river Kaveri and some of its principal features and history.
Cinema South India Movies, gallery, news, gossip, happenings, reviews, previews, and top10 movies.
Dakshina Chitra A living museum and crafts museum illustrating the traditions of the southern states.
Deccan Development Society Rural development organisation working in the semi-arid tropic of Deccan in South India to improve the lives of those living there. Photo gallery, details of projects, funding agencies and publications.
Deccan Net Web guide to the southern states, with articles, features, news, and a collection of links.
Dravida Peravai South Indian political party with headquarters at Pondicherry.
The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India ICWAI (Southern India Regional Council) is the only professional body specialized in the field of cost and Management Accountancy in India.
Myrada A self help organisation operating in the south. Description of activities, lists of publications.
National Cadet Corps of Karnataka and Goa A youth and training organisation based in schools, with links to the armed forces.
The New Indian Express News website targetting the southern states.
Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai Provides weather and other environmental information for the south of the country.
SKCV Children's Trust Creating homes, and providing education, nutrition and medical aid for homeless children.
Southern Telecom Region Operates long distance telecom links in the four major southern states.
Sun Network Website for Sun TV, Gemini TV, Udaya TV and Surya TV, covering the southern states and languages. News and other information in English.
Tungabhadra Board Description of this official body that adminsters the Tungabhadra river irrigation projects in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Vijayanagara Coins Images of coins of the Vijayanagara empire, with notes and additional material on history, portraits and fine arts.
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