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stay fit

alternative therapies


yoga for life

Body      Hair     Skin     Eyes     

Golden Rules To Stay Fit

  • Eat simple, natural and wholesome food in the form of whole wheat bread, brown rice, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Use eggs sparingly, and only when known to be perfectly fresh.
  • Give preference to vegetable fat and ghee against animal fat.
  • Use fresh fruit or fruit juices freely.
  • Eat bran or food containing roughage or cellulose to encourage colon activity.


Body Care

For Smooth Body Skin

  • Oatmeal Scrub
    Mix together 1 tablespoon each of finely ground orange peel and ground almonds.This is slightly abrasive and very cleansing.Take roughly 1 teaspoon in the palm of your hand, mix with a little water and the paste to scrub the skin, then wash.

  • Sugar Scrub
    Soap the face well, adding a small handful of sugar to the lather.Massage this in for a couple of minutes, then rinse off with warm warter.This scrub is very useful for a spotty and sluggish looking skin.

Hair Care


How to fight Dandruff

  • Hot Oil Therapy
    Massage hot oil into the scalp at bedtime. Next morning, an hour before bath, rub lemon juice mixed with cosmetic vinegar (mix 1:2 ratio) into the scalp. Now give the hair a good wash with egg shampoo, one of the oldest beauty recipes. Eggs are full of proteins. Beat up one or two eggs with cup of water and thoroughly massage this into your hair and leave it on for about 5-10 min. Rinse off thoroughly and do not use hot water. Alternatively, beat one egg in acup of water and mix it to 1-2 tablespoons of shampoo. As a last rinse, use the juice of 1 lemon in a cup of hot water. Continue this treatment once a week for 3 months.

  • Stroking the Hair
    Give your hair a hundred strokes every night with a brush or a comb. Since the root of each hair is the sebaceous gland that ooze oil to keep the hair soft and gleaming. press the bristle of the brush against the scalp to exercise and squeeze the tiny oil reservoirs. The oil sac naturally start distributing the natural scalp oil to each hair strand. Take the hair strand from the root of the hair to the very end of the hair so that the oil is carried to each individual hair tip. Hair could be brushed or combed gently and lightly when wet as there is a danger of its being stretched and weakened.

  • Hair Nourishing Recipe
    Boil 5 teaspoons of dried used tea leaves in lime water and use it as the last rinse after shampoo, giving the hair a shine.

  • Anti Dandruff Lotion
    Mix 2 tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and 6 tablespoons of hot water. Dip with cotton-wool into the scalp, parting the hair with a comb. It should preferably be used at bedtime. Tie a scarf over the hair to avoid staining the pillow. Next morning, wash the hair with shampoo. After the hair is thoroughly cleansed, pour over as a last rinse a mixture of 3 tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and one cup of hot water. This should be done twice a week for three months.

  • Apple Juice Tonic
    Mix together 1 tablespoon of pure apple juice and 3 tablespoons warm water and massage into the scalp, three times a week. This recipe helps to fight dandruff.

Hair Revatilisers
  • Ouick Hair Conditioner
    Mix together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons castor oil, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 1 teaspoon glycerine. Beat constantly and massage into the scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel and steam the hair, then wash off. This conditiioner will make your hair look thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

  • Honey Conditioner
    Beat up an egg and mix 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons coconut or olive oil. Massage it well into the scalp. Steam the hair and then shampoo. This leaves the hair easy to manage and looking lovely.

  • Alcoholic Conditiioner
    Beat up an egg and 2 tablespoons of brandy. Massage into the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse off. The egg nourishes and the brandy stimulates hair.

  • Gypsy Conditioner
    Steep a medium sized onion. Cut into slices in half a cup of rum. Leave for 24 hours. Remove the onions and use the remaining liquid for massaging scalp. This is an effective liquid for those afflicted with dandruff and losing hair.


Treatment for Patchy Baldness

  • Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic, grind together with a pinch of colloyrium and apply to the hairless patch. In case of irritation, smear butter over the patch.

  • Dissolve a few grains of potassium permanganate in a few drops of water, and apply to the bald patches few times a day. Continue for a minimym of 3 weeks.

  • Grind leaves of Caper Berry (Karer) into paste and apply these on the the bald patches.

  • Wash the bald patch with the juice of Amla. Make a small cut with razor or a scalpel so that a little blood flows out and rub finely powdered Salmiac mixed with butter on it.

  • Put in a copper vessel some curdled milk(dahi). The vessel should be without tin coating. Now mix to it stave made of Neam wood. With repeated churnings the curdled milk turns green. It should be applied to the hairless patches for a few days.


Remedies to deal with pre-mature Greying of Hair

  • Rinse hair with rosemary, sage or walnut leaves and shell.

  • Rinse hair with saffron, ginger root, marigold or red oak bark. Use red henna to dye the the hair.

  • Another paste recommended for the pre-mature greying of hair is to grind 2 parts Amla, 2 parts Harad and 3 parts mandur into fine powder. A spoonful of powder should be wetted with water. The paste may be kept in an iron vessel overnight and applied to the hair next morning. When the paste is dry, oil should be applied to the hair, then the paste should be washed off thoroughly with cold water.

  • Grind to a paste equal quantity of old Mandur, Amla and Japa (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis) flowers. The paste should be applied on the head. When dry, the hair should be washed with water, in which Amla has to soaked overnight.

Skin Care


Caring for the Skin

  • Wash face with soap at least twice a day.
  • Cleanse skin thoroughly before going to bed at night.
  • Wash face and bathe with cold water at least twice a day.
  • Avoid using soap as far as possible.
  • Wash the face once a day.

Herbal Skin Tonics

  • Rose Water
    It is one of the oldest skin freshners discovered by an Arabian dermatologist in the 10th century. In order to make rose water at home, mix rose essence in pure water and shake thoroughly.Two tablespoons essence of roses is sufficient for 4litres purified water.

  • Gypsy Rose Water
    Put 2 handfuls of dark, scented rose petals into a jar or a wide-topped bottle containing 1 litre of water and 200gms of sugar. Keep the mixture for two hours, sahke thoroughly, then strain and store in a cool place.

  • Flower & Herb Tonic
    Flower and herb water of all kinds make deliciously scented, highly effective skin tonics.Mix two tablespoons of dried herbs or flowers to a pint of boiling water and cover the pan to prevent steam from being lost.Strain and bottle.

  • Marigold Skin Tonic
    Marigolds are known for their healing properties. Mix 2 dried or 3 fresh marigold flowers to a pint of water and keep for 10-12 hours.Now mix to it two tablespoons of witch hazel. It is especially for greasy, spotty skins.

  • Cucumber Tonic
    Wash and liquidise half peeled cucumber. Put the juice in a saucepan, bring it to boil and simmer it for five minutes.Cool and strain it, then add one tablespoon of witch-hazel to every two tablespoons of cooked cucumber juice.Store the juice in a refrigerator.Mint can also be used in it. Add four tablespoons mint in the cucumber tonic.


Face packs

  • For Normal Skins
    Mix 2 tablespoons of gram flour and 4 tablespoons of milk in a clean container. Apply all over the face and neck leaving area along the eyes and lips.Leave for 10min. and then wash off.

  • For Oily skins
    Mix 2 tablespoons honey with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon rosewater.Apply all over the face,leave for 5min. and wash off.

  • For dry Skin
    Mix 1 tablespoon milk powder with 1 teaspoon gram flour and 2 tablespoons rose water. Leave it on for 15-20min. then wash.

  • For very dry skin
    Mix together the yolk of an egg, a teaspoon of almond oil, a teaspoon of milk cream and apply for10-15min. then wash off.

  • For Tanned Skin
    Grind 10 almonds to a paste and mix to a teaspoon of curd.Use this pack to remove tan and soften the skin.

  • For Dull Skin
    Mix Fuller's earth, brewer's yeast and rose water in such quantity so as to form 2 tablespoons paste.Apply for 15min. This mask nourishes the skin.

  • For Pimply Skins
    Rub a piece of sandalwood on a clean stone using a little rose water or cucumber juice.Apply the paste thus formed.This pack gives a tingling fresh feeling also.

  • For Blemished skin
    Add cucumber juice to any of these powers such as gram flour, kaolin, Fuller's earth and milk powder to form a paste. This will also tighten the skin pores.


Recipe For Sparkling Eyes

  • Purpose : Relaxation of eyes & lightening the darkened area around eyes
    Method :Grate 1/2 cucumber, strain it and keep it in refrigerator to cool. Mix it to an equal quantity of rose water.Take a piece of cotton wool dipped in the lotion and place it on your eyes at least twice a day.

  • Purpose :Reducing puffiness of eyes.
    Method :Dip cotton-wool in the solution of witch-hazel and use as eye pads.

  • Purpose :Dispersion of lines along the eyes.
    Method :Almond, apricot and coconut oils help lubricarting the delicate skin around the eyes. Gentle and frequent massage will help.

  • Purpose :Eradicating dark shadows.
    Method :Apply the juice of freshly crushed mint leaves.

  • Purpose : Removal of flaky swelling, puffiness and irritation.
    Method : A drop of perfectly fresh castor oil smeared along the eyelids will do so.

  • Purpose :Reducing swelling
    Method 1 : Strain the juice of grated potato and saturate cotton wool pads with it or lay the grated vegetable on the eye between the muslin. Slices of raw potato will soothe swollen eyelids and reduce swelling.

    Method 2 :Add 1 tablespoon marigold petals in 125ml of boiling water. Strain the liquid, then simmer 1 peeled and finely chopped apple in it. When it is soft, drain the apple, allow it to cool and when of a comfortable temperature lay it between the 2 layers of gauze. Place on the eyes and leave for 10 min.

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