Health (64,320)
Health: Education: Patient Education: Portals (37)
World: Hindi: स्वास्थ्य (16)
About Living Safely A collection of articles on how to improve personal safety.
AIDS in India An article on the status of the AIDS epidemic in the country.
Apollo Life A useful health portal directed at consumers, professionals and corporates with a variety of resources including online consultations and disease-specific information. Affiliated to Apollo Hospitals.
Arogyadeep Healthcare articles and intra-site search for locating doctors, medical stockists, hospitals and clinics.
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha Lists the institutes run by the council, publications, and ongoing research.
Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Information for patients on cosmetic surgery procedures available in the country.
Diabetes Care Professionals Diabetes education, training, CME, conferences, accreditation, and a directory of clinicians providing diabetes care.
Diabetes Clinic Online An online cosultation site for diabetic patients and their doctors. Contains useful information on diabetes for patients.
Diabetes in India A set of articles on diabetes, the problems, including articles for patients and for the medical profession.
DoctorNDTV Health care information for the patient, with answers to many questions from a number of doctors.
Eesee Health A complete guide to medical education and healthcare in India. Health portal with online health record maintenance, health news and health information.
Fulford India Information on prostate cancer for consumers.
Health and Development Initiative Provides tuberculosis related news, research data from the country, and publishes a drug bulletin.
Health India Community site for medical professionals and patients covering public health awareness, technical updates and discussion boards.
Immunisation Today A personal site with detailed information on the immunisation schedule in India. Maintained by Dr C Vidyashankar.
India Health Stats Statistical data on Indian health infrastructure, manpower, education, diseases, AIDS, immunization, nutrition and family welfare.
India Medical Info Information directory on Indian health.
Indiamart Health Health information on a wide range of topics,and useful utilities.
IndiaMedic Health portal for online consulatation.
Indian Blood Donors Provides a listing of blood donors and blood banks in India.
Indian Council of Medical Research A government body that is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research.
Indian Medlars Centre Provides information from the MEDLARS databases as well as various biomedical resources, accessible over Internet, to users in the country.
Indmedica An Indian website for doctors and medical staff, with job listings, educational pages, and links.
Informed Healthcare Offers content for continuing medical education and tools for communication for doctors.
MDConsult India The Indian access site to an online medical library with over 30 leading US full-text medical books and journals.
Medical Computing Society Features a doctors directory, alternative medication, pharmaceutical resources and consumer health.
Medical Council of India A statutory body regulating medical colleges, affiliation, new colleges, and doctors registration.
Medical Mantra Medical portal which offers everything to medical professionals.
Medicomm Information on diseases, conditions and treatment for patients and medical professionals, searchable database of doctors in Ahmedabad.
MediProcure A B2B healthcare materials procurement site with added knowledge resources for doctors.
Meditimes Online information resource for doctors and the medical fraternity in India.
Medivision India Health portal with health information, a drug database and a doctor database.
National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) Nodal organisation for formulation of policy and implementation of programs for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India.
National Board of Examinations Autonomous body under the control of the Central Government, conducts medical examinations in various broad and super clinical specialties leading to the award of Diplomate of National Board. Also grants accreditation to Institutions / Medical Colleges.
National Family Health Survey State-wise and national information on fertility, maternal and child health and family planning.
Protein Foods and Nutrition Development Association of India Information about PFNDAI's objective, board, members, and activities.
Ranbaxy For Doctors Platform for doctors to interact, share and enhance their skills. Includes medical news and company products updates.
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